
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Shirley's Coffee Shop Adopts a Beach

The Beauty Virus is spreading. I continue to receive word from community groups and businesses adopted spots around our island to beautify. I received an email this afternoon from Susan at Shirley's Coffee Shop:

Hi Angelo,

My name is Susan Macario and I work for Shirley's Coffee Shop. I am managing both outlets of Shirley's in Garapan and Susupe.

Anyway, sending this email for several purposes...first, to tell you what others have been telling you time and again...that you guys are doing such a great job in Beautify CNMI.

Secondly, that your spirited action in the Beautify CNMI coalition is very contagious. Your coalition has shown that you are putting your advocacy into action in order to protect the beaches and the environment.

Lastly, to let you know that Shirley's believe in your mission of beautifying CNMI and that while others may think beach clean ups are someone else's job, Shirley's believe that responsibility for a clean environment "can" and "should" be shared by everyone. This belief is joined and supported by the Shirley's personnel. Hence, we adopted the community beach area in Susupe last Dec 2006 and started with our first beach clean up at our adopted beach last January 24, 2007. Attached are some pictures.

We intend to conduct regular clean sweeps at the beach every month and hope to get more volunteers. Management will continue to provide the volunteers with the necessary gloves, plastic bags and other tools needed for the clean up as well as printed tshirts that would bear the Beautify CNMI logo.

Again, congratulations to you, to Rep C. Kaipat, to Rep A. Waki and to everybody in the coalition for doing a great job and thank you for empowering everybody in the community to do away with a sick environment.

More power!

**I hope I can buy you guys lunch here at Shirley's one of these days. Thanks.

Best regards/Susan
I'm a huge fan of Shirley's Coffee Shop. We even went there after this past weekend's cleanup of Mount Tapachou. I always get the grilled mahi mahi with garlic rice...but I'm getting off the subject.

Susan sent some pictures, too:

Shirley's Cleanup of SusupeShirley's Cleanup of SusupeShirley's Cleanup of SusupeShirley's Cleanup of SusupeBeautify CNMI! encourages community groups, businesses and individuals to adopt a spot and/or to get involved in our many activities. Take ISA CNMI, for example. I received word today that they have decided to adopt Micro Beach. Mayumi, who is a windsurfer, is going to lead a cleanup at 5 PM on the 10th, 20th, and 30th of every month. Anyone is welcome to attend. You can clean a popular beach, enjoy the sunset, and practice your Japanese!

You can check our calendar of events for all upcoming events. You can leave a comment on any post on this blog or send Angelo Villagomez an email if you would like to add an event.


CNMI Blogger said...

WOW! Susan, THANK YOU and Shirley's! Thank you for your kind words, too! How nice of you to let us know you've been thoroughly infected with the Beauty Virus. Did you know? It's incurable! LOL!

WELCOME to the Beautify CNMI family, partner! :D

Rep. Cinta Kaipat

Kelvin Rodeo said...

aaaaah it's all my old co-workers..... oh how I miss those days at Shirley's...

I'm still trying to work my schedule out so I can help out with the clean-ups...