
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Draft Subcommittee Meeting Minutes for Nov 16th

Beautify CNMI Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, Nov 16th, 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Whispering Palms School, Navy Hill
Meeting Minutes

“Operation Paint Over --- What do we want to do about/with graffiti in our community?”

Present: Laurie Peterka, Tyler Yoshimoto, Eric Atalig

1. Sign in (and introductions, if any)
2. Minutes and Agenda
a. Review/adopt meeting minutes from prior meeting (see attached; a limited number of paper copies will be available at meeting).
b. Review/adopt this meeting’s agenda
3. Welcome any new ideas and/or new participants
a. Eric Atalig – Neighborhood Watch Dist 1 & 2
4. Emails to share (if any) – Rebecca is working on her murals project for the lighthouse
5. Progress reports on
a. Photo journal project (Tyler & Laurie) – nothing new to report
b. Americorp Volunteers – not responding
6. Consider next steps:
a. Develop goals, measurable targets, and budget for 2010
i. Bringing in hardware and paint store managers
1. Paint sales policies
2. Discounts for graffiti abatement related paint purchases
3. Establish a community fund for graffiti abatement through paint sales
4. Public hotline to request help
a. Phone companies
b. Zoning Office
ii. Rotate “graffiti abatement teams” among businesses
1. Corporate participant supplies paint and employees
2. Saipan Chamber of Commerce
iii. Team with Neighborhood Watch on launching initial program
b. Timelines, goals, meetings – keep or modify?
i. Project leaders
ii. Take December off
iii. Restart third week of January 2010
7. Confirm next meeting date/time/location - Monday, Nov 30th, 5:30p, Whispering Palms School at Navy Hill

The principle concept of this committee is to follow the Beautify CNMI established style of getting things done. We build a coalition, share resources where we can and support individual(s) and/or group(s) that have an action plan.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

15 minutes can Beautify CNMI!

Here's a sneak peek at the winning bumper sticker and slogan from the recent Beautify CNMI contest. I will announce the name of the winning student artist as soon as the stickers are printed. The winner gets $150 and 50 stickers.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Reminder: Graffiti Subcommittee Meeting Tonight

Beautify CNMI Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, Nov 16th, 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Whispering Palms School, Navy Hill

1. Sign in and introductions
2. Minutes and Agenda
a. Review/adopt meeting minutes from prior meeting (see attached; a limited number of paper copies will be available at meeting).
b. Review/adopt this meeting’s agenda
3. Welcome any new ideas and/or new participants
4. Emails to share (if any)
5. Progress reports on
a. Photo journal project (Tyler & Laurie)
b. HANMI Survey (Laurie & Shirata)
c. PSS Communications (Thelma)
6. Consider next steps:
a. Develop goals, measurable targets, and budget for 2010
i. Anonymous donor suggested project
ii. Bringing in hardware store managers
iii. Project leaders
b. Timelines, goals, meetings – keep or modify?
i. Take December off
ii. Restart third week of January 2010
7. Confirm next meeting date/time/location - Monday, Nov 30th, 5:30p, Whispering Palms School at Navy Hill
a. Laurie - Off island travel schedule
b. Meeting leadership

The principle concept of this committee is to follow the Beautify CNMI established style of getting things done. We build a coalition, share resources where we can and support individual(s) and/or group(s) that have an action plan.

Draft Subcommittee Meeting Minutes for Oct 26th

Beautify CNMI Subcommittee Meeting
Monday, Oct 26th, 5:30pm to 7:00pm
Whispering Palms School, Navy Hill
Meeting Minutes

“Operation Paint Over --- What do we want to do about/with graffiti in our community?”

Present: Laurie Peterka, Tyler Yoshimoto, Sen. Frica Pangelinan, Rebekah Yost, John Dax

1. Sign in and introductions
2. Minutes and Agenda
a. Review/adopt meeting minutes from prior meeting (see attached; a limited number of paper copies will be available at meeting).
b. Review/adopt this meeting’s agenda
c. Above adopted
3. Welcome any new ideas and/or new participants
a. Welcome to Senator Frica Pangelinan who brought with her info on the Mural of the Arts Program practiced in Philadelphia
b. Welcome to John Dax who is interested in getting involved in the planning and implementation side of graffiti abatement
4. Emails to share (if any) - NONE
5. Photo journal project (Tyler & Laurie)
a. Viewed photo journal
b. Discussed pictures, locations, patterns, etc.
6. Confirm next meeting date/time/location - Monday, Nov 9th, 5:30p, Whispering Palms School at Navy Hill – MOVED TO Monday, November 16

The principle concept of this committee is to follow the Beautify CNMI established style of getting things done. We build a coalition, share resources where we can and support individual(s) and/or group(s) that have an action plan.