
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Thank YOU, Lieutenant Governor

Saipan Tribune, Saturday, September 02, 2006

Villagomez applauds beautification efforts

Acting Gov. Timothy P. Villagomez is putting his hands together for community groups that have been lending a hand to beautifying the islands.

"I'd like to express my overall appreciation for the widespread support of the beautification groups that have been helping to make our islands more attractive," said Villagomez yesterday. "From beaches to roadsides to public buildings, you can see the results of their hard work."

Last Sunday, Aug. 27, the coalition Beautify CNMI completed the second week of cleanup in Koblerville, topped off with a fresh coast of paint for the Koblerville substation.

Beautify CNMI is a group of various agencies, private sector, non-profit organizations, private citizens, and visitors. Its mission is to foster community pride through a comprehensive beautification campaign aimed at enhancing the beauty of the island environments and the people's quality of life through public education on recycling, restoration, waste management, and enforcement of laws.

"It's about taking pride in our neighborhoods," said Villagomez about the upswing in beautification projects. "Every tourist and every resident deserves to enjoy a clean neighborhood and environment in our islands, and we are fortunate to have community groups setting the example in these areas."

Earlier this month Beautify CNMI organized approximately 30 restoration volunteers who hauled 1,820 lbs. of illegally dumped garbage from the streams of Laulau Bay. The haul included two washing machines, a couch, a mattress and other assorted trash.

"It's more than a little shocking, the kind of stuff that people deliberately dump in some of the most beautiful and remote spots on our island," said Environmental Specialist and Beautify CNMI member Tina Sablan of the Division of Environmental Quality. "But what a great demonstration of community involvement and care from our volunteers who responded to the call for help."

Groups participating in recent Beautify CNMI projects include MOVERS, Marianas Resource Conservation & Development Council, Representative Cinta Kaipat and staff members, students of Koberville Elementary and Saipan Southern High, and other volunteers. The Division of Environmental Quality and Department of Public Safety are also collaborating to step up enforcement of littering and illegal dumping laws. Violations should be reported immediately to the authorities. (PR)

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