
Friday, April 09, 2010

Draft Meeting Minutes for April 8, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010 – 5:30PM
Fiesta Resort & Spa: Azucena I


I. Introductions – around the table
II. Adopt agenda and last meeting’s minutes
1) Agenda adopted “as is”
2) Minutes of 03/11/10 adopted “as is”
III. Special Initiatives
1) Identify and plan promotions for Signature Events
i. Island Wide Clean Up
1. Total impressions sent out 03/08/10 - 1,500+: Email sent to 300+ private list, blog note posted, FaceBook Group page + blog note to 600+, FaceBook Event Invitation sent to 600+
2. Coalition members encouraged to publically announcement their participation to help move the media’s attention and the competition amongst volunteers
3. DEQ needs to contact last year’s participants to acknowledge them and invite them to join again this year
4. What are we doing about supplies? DEQ has stocks for now, but we will need to replenish for any events beyond this one
5. Why Friday? --- originally DEQ was targeting govt employees and first event was on an “austerity” Friday
6. After the event – post photos and volunteer counts
7. Joe will check with EAC chair to see if event can be extended to into Saturday to accommodate the private sector; once he knows, he will inform LP and we will do a media blitz to alert the public
ii. Environmental Expo – part of the EAC April calendar
1. Targeted for schools
2. Posted on blog and Google calendar
iii. PDM Promoters
1. April 15th Awadori Festival
2. Students from Japan coming here to perform with local students
3. Collaborating with DCCA
4. Three title sponsors: DFS, DoCoMo, and Fiesta Resort
iv. Other
1. We need to look all the way to the end of this year and identify our signature events
2. Signature events need to be promoted all throughout the year from the beginning so that we can establish continuity.
2) Identify and plan Environmental Champion Awards (should be April)
i. Categories & Nominations
1. Champion Award & Steward Award
2. Joe and Cinta will find the criteria used before and start list of nominees
3. Last year: Tan Holdings (Steward) and Laurie Peterka (Champion)
ii. History of these awards
1. Banquet dinner; slide show highlighting year’s events
2. Jake concert
3. PAWS Wars
iii. Publicity & Deadlines
1. Post blog asking for nominations – 4/12
2. Close nominations on – 4/16
3. Make a decision – by 4/19
4. Order plaques – 4/19 with a 4/23 delivery date
5. April 26th Beautify CNMI 4th anniversary
6. Cinta will check into making the presentation of the awards at the Flametree Festival (4/22-25)
3) Open Discussion: Public Information Campaign on BCNMI
i. Nominate committee chair - tabled
ii. Determine next steps – tabled
iii. Discussion on
1. PR Coordinator concerns with public perception and nature of inquiries being received
2. Founder Cinta’s concerns and historical information
3. Joe commented regarding accountability because of donations
4. We need a volunteer accountant to facilitate fiscal accountability problem
IV. Committee reports
1) Solid Waste
i. DEQ
1. Schools
a. SSHS – picked up at Coral Ocean Point beach
b. Kagman – picked up at Marine Beach
c. Cleanups produced less volume than previous cleanups which means programs are working
2. Congr Basa’s office reported clean ups in District 5
3. Saipan Fisherman’s Association reported a clean up
4. Shirley’s Restaurant did a cleanup at Sugar Dock
5. We need to get photos to put up on blog
2) PDM Promoters
i. Monthly clean up this Saturday
ii. Koblerville kids – 25 going to join
iii. Maybe send reminders to LP on Monday before to post on blog
iv. Sending info on Awadori for blog
3) Mariana Islands Nature Alliance (MINA) – not present
i. March 27th ribbon for recycling and mixed waste bins
ii. Event posted on the blog
iii. Seven sites adopted out of eight
4) Friends of the Marianas Islands (FMI) – not present
i. Family emergency
ii. No report
5) Tan Holdings - iServe-iGive back
i. Encouraging employees to be volunteers
ii. Adopt-A-Pavillion program launched – March 20th
iii. Adopted Susupe Park in 2008
iv. April 17th – clean up at pavilion across JP Center to 13-Fishermans
v. POI Aviation – monthly clean up launched March 26th
vi. Coalition members should send their info to be posted at blog before and after events
1. Identify event?
2. Indentify if it is re-occurring?
3. How many volunteers do you anticipate or did you have?
4. Where is/was it?
5. Which Tan Holdings entity is responsible?
6. If trash collection – how many pounds?
7. If other kind of cleaning what is/was the goal and what was accomplished?
6) Neighborhood Watch – not present
7) Graffiti – nothing new to report
8) Junk Cars – not present
9) New/Other - none
V. Coalition Housekeeping
1) Calendar of Events – LP is working with Angelo to fix the time zone issue
2) Making forms available for download from blog
i. Website – maybe we can use a Google site to be able to upload attachments and refer the link from the blog, but otherwise keep it dark?
ii. Need to investigate.
VI. Announcements
1) None
VII. Set day and location for regular monthly meeting
1) 2nd Thursday of the Month:
i. May 13th Confirm or Change to
ii. Time: 5:30pm
iii. Location: LP to ask SCC for an email forward – make a plea to SCC members to participate in hosting one meeting a year
VIII. Meeting adjourned at 7:50pm

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