
Monday, April 05, 2010

REMINDER: Regular Monthly Meeting April 8th

This month's meeting will be hosted by Tan Holdings.

When: Thursday, April 8th
Where: Fiesta Resort & Spa at Azucena I (just north of the lobby behind the World Cafe)
Time: 5:30pm

Tentative Agenda:

I. Introductions – around the table (5-mins)
II. Adopt agenda and last meeting’s minutes
III. Special Initiatives (30-45 mins)
1) Identify and plan promotions for Signature Events
2) Identify and plan Environmental Champion Awards (should be April)
3) Open Discussion: Public Information Campaign on BCNMI
i. Nominate committee chair
ii. Determine next steps
IV. Committee reports (15-mins)
1) Solid Waste
i. DEQ
ii. PDM Promoters
2) Mariana Islands Nature Alliance (MINA)
3) Friends of the Marianas Islands (FMI)
4) TSL iServe-iGive back
5) Neighborhood Watch
6) Graffiti
7) Junk Cars
8) New/Other
V. Coalition Housekeeping (15-mins)
1) Calendar of Events
2) Website
VI. Announcements (2-mins)
VII. Set day and location for regular monthly meeting (2-mins)
1) 2nd Thursday of the Month:
i. May 13th Confirm or Change to
ii. Time:
iii. Location:

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