
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

DEQ Monthly Cleanup Brigade - Pau Pau Beach Saturday Jan 4

(DEQ) - The Division of Environmental Quality (DEQ) Cleanup Brigade will be at it again picking up trash at Pau Pau Beach this Saturday, January 4, 2014 at 8 am.

If you would like to volunteer your time to clean and beautify our island, please meet the DEQ representatives on Saturday at the Pau Pau Beach parking lot at 8 am. Volunteers will split into groups and clean until 10:00 am and break for drinks and then continue, if needed.

This month, outstanding brigade volunteers who participated in at least ten (10) monthly cleanups will receive a brigade cap and those who participated in at least three (3) cleanups will receive a brigade t-shirt.

Last month’s Coral Ocean Beach Cleanup was successful with 36 volunteers participating. Thanks to, students from Tanapag Elementary, Dan Dan Elementary, Garapan Elementary, San Vicente Elementary, Hopwood Jr. High, Saipan Southern High/YEA Club, Emerson Network Power, KIEC, Coral Ocean Point, and other volunteers about 160 pounds of marine debris was removed from the beach and properly disposed of.

The DEQ is looking forward to a repeat success this Saturday, so join DEQ’s monthly cleanup brigade and “Pick It Up!” Let us work together for the health of our coral reefs and cleanliness of our beaches for everyone to enjoy.

For more information about volunteering, please contact the DEQ office at 664-8500/1.


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