
Monday, December 31, 2007

Beautify CNMI in the Philippines

I received this email from Beautify CNMI volunteer Captain Carl today:

Another "Beautify CNMI" across borders, a Liang Liang tree
planted on the Farm At San Benito, Batangas, PI. The tree is used in
natural healing. I am wondering if it goes here on Saipan. Will
check later this week. Have a good evening.

Thanks, Carl!


Unknown said...

Capt. Carl, I can’t tell from the photo if that is Cananga odorata or perfume tree. It is known in Chamorro as ylang ylang, ilangilang, or alang-ilang, and lengileng in Carolinian. It was introduced to Guam and Micronesia via the Philippines and does have medicinal uses. The flowers have a very strong aroma and used in mwarmwars, but I’ve seen our Carolinian youth hang the flowers behind their ears just as they are. You can find a young tree at the entrance to Pau Pau Beach parking lot to the right. Open your windows on the drive through Isa Drive northward just below the big blue water tank and Facey farms and you can get a good whiff from the ones that grow wild on the seaward cliffs.

Angelo Villagomez said...

Thanks, John. I've got a nice one in my back yard.

Sometimes the smell is so strong it gives me a a good way.