
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Volunteer of the Week

Mylene is a student at Hopwood Junior High School. I first met her this summer when I took her and several other students from her summer camp on a field trip to the Laulau Revegetation Project. After learning about watersheds, erosion, and our land use practices, Mylene and the other students helped remove 440 lbs of trash dumped in one of the streams draining the Laulau Watershed.

This week Mylene has been helping Beautify CNMI! recruit Myspace friends at her school. While adults tend to use email and telephones to communicate, the younger generation uses Myspace and text messaging. Having a large presence on Myspace will allow Beautify CNMI! to reach these kids.

Thank you, Mylene.

The Volunteer of the Week is announced every Tuesday afternoon.

Click HERE to visit the Beautify CNMI! Myspace page


Anonymous said...

Haha!! Thank You.. this was very niCe of you to do. =D


Anonymous said...

atta girl mylene

represent hopwood! =]

`Mary Ruth