
Monday, July 17, 2006

1000 trees?

This could be the weekend.

Beautify CNMI has planted 651 trees since our first planting on June 19. I think it is very likely that we will reach the 1000 tree milestone this weekend because we have two tree plantings scheduled.

On Saturday we are returning to the Lao Lao revegetation project to plant more local species. The volunteers for this planting are members of CTSI, another local community group. We are going to meet at the Santa Soledad Church at 8 AM and then hike up to the revegetation project.

This planting is part of a project to slow the erosion of the Lao Lao watershed. This project will improve the health of the coral reef in Lao Lao Bay because once the deforested watershed is reforested and once the illegal wildfires stop, the level of sediment caused by erosion will decrease.

The coral reefs and the animals that live there will benefit, but so will the SCUBA divers, the fishermen, and the other local people who use them.

On Sunday we are going to continue our coconut plantings along Beach Road with MOVER. We are again asking the community to donate coconut saplings for our project. We are going to meet at the 13 Fishermen Memorial at 8 AM.

This project will make the Beach Road area more attractive.

We are looking for volunteers to help us plant trees on both days, but we also need people to donate coconuts, drinking water, and food. Please call Angelo at 483-1078 if you would like to volunteer or donate.

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