
Friday, July 03, 2009

Parks & Trails July Report

This was submitted by Dan Lamar at the yesterday's monthly meeting:
July 2009

Re: Trails and Parks Committee Report

As the newly appointed head of the Trails and Parks committee, I will give a brief online report, as I will probably not be able to attend the meeting today due to work commitments.

First, I invite anyone with interest in the Parks and Trails of the CNMI to join me in this committee - and if you know of someone who maybe interested - let me know.

I have little knowledge of the history of this committee. Those of you who know of past and current efforts related to Parks and Trails, please share your knowledge with me - I would like to take advantage of any momentum that may exist from past efforts.

Beyond an initial goal of establishing a working committee, I have begun discussing with a few friends the idea of creating a network of inland parks and trails that will connect with our coastal parks.

Imagine hiking from Obyan Beach to the Bird Island Lagoon Beach using a trail map instead of a road map:

-------- Hmm - the trail forks here. According to the map - the Forbidden trail is a mile that way? Should I camp there tonight or at that Rainforrest Cloud Camp - supposed to be here - tucked somewhere in the valley between G-U-A-L-A R-A-I and Mt Tapochau. Should I take the trail that gives me the best view of the "
"Azure Western Lagoon, Mangaha, and Phillipine Sea" or the "Rugged Eastern Shoreline and Pacific Ocean", with access to snorkling in Crescentic Lau Lau bay, and Cliff Lines Vista's Overhanging the Ocean". I could even stop and play a round of golf at Lau Lau Bay Golf Resort- buty that would be cheating sort of - still - might be fun. What's that sound - a deer? Kind of loud - maybe a wild pig or boar? Whoa - Look at that bird - Is it a Marianas fruit dove? Where's my binocs. Good thing there's no snakes here. Centipedes do scare me though. I wonder if I can I live on coconuts and wild avocados for three days? Ouch. Why didn't I bring any mosquito repellant? Wow, what a brilliant sunset there through the trees. I'll just go over to that ridge so I can see it better. Spectacular! A green flash! My first! I don't believe it! Let me put that down in my diary right now. Now where's the trail? There's some orange plastic tape- Maybe that's the trail. What's this - a sign? "Droolbag was here- beware of orange tape and Circle Jerks" What's THAT mean? That was no help at all. Wow, it's really dark in this forest - I wonder what kind of trees these are. Darn flashlight. I knew I should have bought new batteries. I can't see a thing. Owww! That hurt. Is that blood? Do they have 911 here. I knew I should have brought my cellphone! -------

What fond memories a trail/park system could help create.

This network could connect to road and mountain bike trails and even be accessed by public transportation powered by renewable resouces. The trail to Obyan could begin at the airport - making it convenient for a tourist to enyoy the natural wonders of Saipan without ever - God Forbid - staying at one of our resort hotels. Well maybe it would be ok as a last RESORT.

Think there might be some local residents and Eco travelers who might utilize an interconnected system of parks and trails - and think about it not just on Saipan but on Tinian and Rota as well. And then there is always what is for me the unexplored frontier - the Northern Islands - beckoning.

Anyway, this is a tiny part of the day dream that I shared with Angelo and Laurie P a couple of weeks ago and resulted the next week in discovering, as I read the paper, that I was now Chairman of Parks and Trails Committee.

Anyone else who has similar day dreams - and wants to help make them a realtiy - lets go hiking/booney stomping together.

Respectfully submitted



Anonymous said...


My friend and I share your interest in exploring and preserving the trails that exist here on Saipan. We were wondering how we can be a part of your committee.

Please contact us at or

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