Beautify CNMI Subcommittee Meeting Monday, September 21, 2009 - 5:30pm Whispering Palm School, Navy Hill “Operation Paint Over --- What do we want to do about/with graffiti in our community?”Present: Laurie Peterka, Tyler Yoshimoto, Angelo Villagomez, Thelma Cabrera, John Fury, Ichiro Shirata, John Fury
Agenda/Objectives:1. Sign in and introductions
a. John Fury
b. Thelma Cabrera
2. Minutes and Agenda
a. Review/adopt meeting minutes from prior meeting (see attached; a limited number of paper copies will be available at meeting).
i. Tyler motioned to adopt minutes
ii. Angelo seconded
iii. No changes
b. Review/adopt this meeting’s agenda
i. Victor motioned to adopt agenda
ii. Angelo seconded
iii. No changes
3. Welcome any new ideas and/or new participants
a. Victor on Zoning board focus changes
i. Public nuisances – new focus on enforcement
ii. Laurie recommended that the issue be presented to BCNMI main committee
iii. Angelo noted that there has been no support at all regarding on enforcement
1. BCNMI is focused on education & outreach
2. Community can only go so far
b. Debra Inos – Division of Youth Services
i. Introduction 9/15; email follow up 9/20; phone conversation 9/21
ii. Very interested in seeing how she can cooperate with youth programs
iii. Will discuss being a government stakeholder
iv. Referred to monthly main BCNMI meeting
c. John Fury
i. Textbook on ecology – last chapter on Beautify CNMI
ii. Plans to look for funds to create ancillary materials to supplement each chapter for the textbook for teachers to use in the classroom
iii. Everyone threw out ideas
iv. Referred to monthly main BCNMI meeting
4. Emails to share (if any)
a. Bridge Capital has funds available
i. Need letter to request donation to ISK8 co-signed by BCNMI
ii. ACTION ITEM: Laurie to follow up
iii. Victor suggested using Bridge donation to fund a context for bus-shelter graphics
1. Students would do the painting
2. Different theme every year
b. Photo-journal email sent – see below
5. Progress reports on
a. ISK8 Graffiti Cleanup, Sept 12th - report by Laurie for Dan Westphal
i. Articles in both newspapers
ii. 50+ volunteers
b. Stakeholder list
i. Laurie’s organized a list
ii. Additional invites – everyone invite one more person
iii. Hit PSS “principals” meeting – ACTION ITEM: remind Thelma
iv. Bring in Hardware Store managers – ACTION ITEM: Need to assign
1. they can match colors for painting
2. get them to create a store policy to “sign for paint” purchases – no matter what your age
c. Photo journal project
i. Resend email larger number of people
ii. Move due date to Oct 12th
iii. ACTION ITEM: Laurie & Tyler to work on this
d. Zoning
i. Village meeting comments on graffiti – mtgs on hold until further notice
ii. “Green” walls
1. Consider as alternative to painting
2. Energy efficient
6. Consider next steps:
a. NMC - Current Issues January 2010 – ACTION ITEM: Laurie email McPhetres
b. HANMI survey – ACTION ITEM: Laurie & Shirata before next HAMNI mtg on 9/27
c. Anonymous Donor Suggested Project – table to next meeting
d. Project leaders
i. Tyler – Photojournal
ii. Ishiro – HANMI survey
iii. Thelma – PSS communications
iv. Victor – Zoning
v. John Fury – work with Judges, video projects, art council
e. Timelines, Goals, Meetings
i. Continue collecting data, people through October
ii. Use November meetings to develop goals, measurable targets, and budget for 2010
iii. Take December off
iv. Restart January 2nd 2010
7. Confirm next meeting date/time/location - Monday, Oct 5th, 5:30p, Whispering Palms School at Navy Hill
The principle concept of this committee is to follow the Beautify CNMI established style of getting things done. We build a coalition, share resources where we can and support individual(s) and/or group(s) that have an action plan.
Note: Current organizational partners already committed include Rotary Club of Saipan and Island SK8 Society.