
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Another mention by Ruth Tighe


With kind thoughts and good intentions on many peoples' minds at this time of year, maybe it's the right time to talk about what people can do for themselves and each other independently of government subsidy, control, and intervention. Two recent examples of just how well this works, how effective it can be, are the Beautify CNMI! movement - which took off with a sort of spontaneous combustion and shows no sign of abating any time soon, having already accomplished an impressive string of achievements, and Bud White's Teacher of the Year fund raising.

Both endeavors met a perceived need. Neither involved formal government control, funding, or financial support (though of course, Beautify CNMI! does meet on government time, in government facilities). And both have established on-going programs that show every sign of being successful long into the future.

Read the rest of Ruth Tighe's article here

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