35 volunteers showed up to plant trees at the Grotto this morning, but somebody forget to bring the trees.
I think it might have had something to do with Tropical Storm Saomai, which is churning about 90 miles south of Saipan.
Oh well, it wasn't a total waste of a day. We pulled down some vines that were choking the trees near the Grotto entrance and Rob Jordan went for a swim. The original plan was for everybody to go for a swim, but the water was really rough (something to do with the tropical storm) so we skipped it. We'll go swimming next time.

After our vine pulling, Beautify CNMI presented MOVER with an award for their participation in the recycling efforts during the Micronesian Games.

Afterwards we met up at one of the pala palas at Kilili Beach Park and had a barbeque. It didn't rain the whole time we barbequed, it only rained for most of the time we barbequed. MOVER provided all of the food and drinks. Thanks, MOVER!

After eating we presented the award again and then took a picture with the other MOVER members who couldn't make it to this morning's activities at the Grotto.

Next week we are going back up to the Lao Lao revegetation project to finish up that project for the year. We will meet Sunday at the Santa Soledad church at 8 AM, just like the other three times we have planted up there. The weekend after that we are going to clean up the Koblerville substation and possibly plant a few trees along the old airstrip.
If you would like to volunteer, contact Angelo Villagomez at the Marianas Resource Conservation & Development Council at 236-0894.
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